Website Updated!

Since 1998, Earthlink has hosted my domain, In that time, the price never changed from $19.99 per month. A couple of times, I needed more space and called them to tell them I needed to move my hosting business – instead, Earthlink offered me more space. Well, I’ve been maxed out all of 2004 at 200MB and needed to make a larger incremental change than what they would offer me this time (400MB).

I signed up with out of Canada. I am certain that their service is not as robust as Earthlink’s but I am hoping it will be adequate. For $7.95/mo and 1,000MB of storage vs. $19.95/mo and 200MB of storage, I am willing to risk it. I can always go back if Canaca blows.

Anyway, I will be busy over the winter redoing all my pages for a fresh look and feel. So far, I have got the For Sale, Travel and Webcam pages up. In fact, the Webcam pages have been extensively revamped. Gone is the main webcam page with current images from all cams as that page took too long to load. Instead, I have opted to have a single cam image available on the main webcam page. The All Cams page is still there, but you have to click on All to get it.

Below are a couple images from the new site.


New Home Page

New Webcam Look

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