
Home Automation – Auto Mode Change and HVAC Control

I have a Smartthings Home Automation hub installed in our home.  I use home automation to monitor, report and control various things around the home.

Yesterday, I did several things with the home automation system…

 1. Installed a new HVAC thermostat and added it to the Smartthings
      home hub for remote control of it

Smartthings App - Thermostat Tile
Smartthings App – Thermostat Tile

2. Setup the automatic change of modes for the Smartthings home hub
– Home – 6 am – This mode is our “at home” Day Time mode
– Night – 11 pm – This mode is our “at home” Night Time mode

Smartthings "Good Night" Mode - Configured to operate as our "At Home - Night Time" mode setting.  I have this configured it send Off commands to various lighting and to change the home hub mode.  Additionally, an instance of the "Keep Me Cozy" app is triggered by the change to Night mode.
Smartthings “Good Night” Mode – Configured to operate as our “At Home – Night Time” mode setting. I have this configured it send Off commands to various lighting and to change the home hub mode. Additionally, an instance of the “Keep Me Cozy” app is triggered by the change to Night mode.
Smartthings "Good Morning" Mode - Configured to operate as our "At Home - Day Time" mode setting.  The only thing I have this configured it do at this time is to change the home hub mode.  However, an instance of the "Keep Me Cozy" app is triggered by the change to Home mode.
Smartthings “Good Morning” Mode – Configured to operate as our “At Home – Day Time” mode setting. The only thing I have this configured it do at this time is to change the home hub mode. However, an instance of the “Keep Me Cozy” app is triggered by the change to Home mode.

3. Installed two instances of the Smartthing app called “Keep Me Cozy”
– One with our “At Home” Day Time HVAC Setpoints for Heating / Cooling
– One with our “At Home” Night Time HVAC Setpoints for Heating / Cooling

Smartthings "Keep Me Cozy" App - Configured as "HVAC - Day”.  When Smartthings home hub is set to “Home” or “Away - Local” modes, this app fires, setting our HVAC Day Time (Home) Setpoints
Smartthings “Keep Me Cozy” App – Configured as “HVAC – Day”. When Smartthings home hub is set to “Home” or “Away – Local” modes, this app fires, setting our HVAC Day Time (Home) Setpoints
Smartthings "Keep Me Cozy" App - Configured as "HVAC - Night".  When Smartthings home hub is set to “Night” mode, this app fires, setting our HVAC Night Time Setpoints
Smartthings “Keep Me Cozy” App – Configured as “HVAC – Night”. When Smartthings home hub is set to “Night” mode, this app fires, setting our HVAC Night Time Setpoints

Confirmation that Thermostat Setpoints had indeed changed in the evening

Smartthings App - Activity Feed - This activity shows that at 11:01 pm, the "Good Night" feature fired, setting the home hub to "Night" mode.  It also sent Off commands to various lighting.

Home HVAC Thermostat - At 11 pm, Smartthings changed the Home to “Night” mode which in turn fired the Smartthings "Keep Me Cozy" App - Configured as "HVAC - Night" and adjusted Heating and Cooling Setpoints to 69 and 77 respectively
Home HVAC Thermostat – At 11 pm, Smartthings changed the Home to “Night” mode which in turn fired the Smartthings “Keep Me Cozy” App – Configured as “HVAC – Night” and adjusted Heating and Cooling Setpoints to 69 and 77 respectively

Confirmation that Thermostat Setpoints had indeed changed in the morning

Smartthings App - Activity Feed - This activity shows that at 6:01 am, the "Good Morning" feature fired, setting the home hub to "Home" (our Day) mode.
Smartthings App – Activity Feed – This activity shows that at 6:01 am, the “Good Morning” feature fired, setting the home hub to “Home” (our Day) mode.
Home HVAC Thermostat - At 6 am, Smartthings changed the Home to “Home” (Day) mode which in turn fired the Smartthings "Keep Me Cozy" App - Configured as "HVAC - Day” and adjusted Heating and Cooling Setpoints to 71 and 77 respectively
Home HVAC Thermostat – At 6 am, Smartthings changed the Home to “Home” (Day) mode which in turn fired the Smartthings “Keep Me Cozy” App – Configured as “HVAC – Day” and adjusted Heating and Cooling Setpoints to 71 and 77 respectively

4. Using the IFTTT service, I setup a “If this then that” recipe using
      the Smartthings and SMS channels

IFTTT Channel Recipes - These are two recipes I setup that will notify me via cellphone text message if the interior home temperature "Rises above our highest Heating or Cooling Setpoints" or "Dips below our lowest Heating or Cooling Setpoints"
IFTTT Channel Recipes – These are two recipes I setup that will notify me via cellphone text message if the interior home temperature “Rises above our highest Heating or Cooling Setpoints” or “Dips below our lowest Heating or Cooling Setpoints”

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One Comment

  1. Hi Jim,
    I am newbie to smartthings technology. I just purchased a rental house with this Trane thermostat and would like to manage remotely. The hub is version 3. How do I add this thermostat device ? It is not in the list under Trane ? Any help appreciated.


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