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South Side Soda Shop Diner – Goshen, Indiana
The Comers and I met our friend, Scott Tuttle at the South Side Soda Shop Diner for lunch while we were in Goshen, Indiana for the Midwest RV Super Show and Rally. I had a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. Very good! Scott had the same and a Philly Chili. The Chili is served in a…
Cellular Data Equipment Installed in RV
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Cumberland Mountain State Park
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So long Waikiki
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Sweetheart Rally – Day 1
Though we’ve been here 3 days already, today was the first official day of the 12th annual Sweetheart Rally in Kerrville, TX. I rustled up a colorful breakfast today of leftover Aretha Frankenstein pancakes, sliced and fried Opa’s smoked jalapeno and cheese sausage, fruit, juice and coffee. Such a good husband 🙂 Larry U…
Satellite TV – Integrating OTA Signals with your Satellite TV System
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