Tampa, Florida – Day 7 – Last Day
Today is our last full-day in the Tampa area. In the morning, we head for the Orlando area to spend some time at the Mouse House 🙂
Today at the Florida RV SuperShow, we had light traffic in the morning and fairly brisk traffic in the afternoon. I think we had a decent “buyers day” today. At the end of the day, my volunteers and I packed up our club table, tent and materials and headed back home.
Back at Lazy Days Campground, Linda and Walter W hosted dinner for the remaining couples here. She made a large batch of chili. Perfect for a cool evening. It was real tasty too. Another couple brought a Key Lime Pie. Yum as well.
As a final and exciting note of the day, 2 of our Heartland Owners Club Chapter Leaders bought new Heartlands today and an SOB (some other brand) couple, friends of one of our leaders finally bought a Heartland too. Pretty darned good way to end the show.