Woodhead Outing

Been a long time since my last blog post so I figured it was time to take care of that.

We were downtown Chicago last night for the annual Woodhead Due’s outing. For the uninitiated, Woodheads are what Nancy and some of her college friends call themselves. Formed their own little group – each with a tree name. Annually, the Woodheads meet at Due’s Pizzaria on Ontario, downtown Chicago. After pizza, for the last few years, we walk over to the Marriott and go to the lounge on the 4th floor for a bit. Pizza was excellant this year, as was the company. And of course, Maureen’s homemade goodies – a tin for all, was very yummy. The drive home was a bit messy due to spitty, snowy, misty stuff coming down. But we made it just fine. Well, that’s my 2005 Due’s report. Checkout a couple of pics in my MoBlog from this outing.


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