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New Recipe Page
Hi all, I have updated my recipes main page. Still working on it – experimenting with cascading style sheets (CSS). Once I have it figured out, I’ll use the theme throughout the recipe web. I’ll be reorganizing the recipes and adding new once. Please check the main recipes page out and consider submitting a recipe…
Downtown the day after Christmas
Nancy, the kids and I went downtown today. We shopped and had lunch at Gino’s East.
Travel Day Home to Tennessee from Berlin, Germany
March 20 2014 Today was a long travel day home from our visit to Berlin, Germany. We got up at 6 am, finished packing, had some coffee and headed upstairs with our bags. We wanted to get upstairs in time to say goodbye to Sean and the kids before they left for work and school….
Bad Emme! Eat first, ask questions later…
Well, Emme was a bad girl – again! Monday, she ate an entire tube of Neosporin. Lisa was home. She called the vet who told her to induce vomitting. We did not have Ipeacac so she fed Emme hydrogen peroxide. She didn’t give her enough so the reaction was delayed. When she though nothing was…
Overnight Stop in Texarkana, AR at Sunrise RV Park
We arrived at our overnight stop around 5:00 pm tonight. We’re in Texarkana, TX off Highway 59 at exit 7 at Sunrise RV Park. Jay and Stella C told us about this place. Easy in/out and right off the highway. And if needed, there’s a Flying J or Pilot at the same exit.
Sad time for Jasmine :(
My friend Jasmine and her family lost one of their dogs recently. Mollydied in her sleep. Please pray for comfort for the family as they mourntheir loss. Jim