New recipe.
New recipe.
Here’s Ruby at breakfast. She’s looking pretty intently at my fork. We were camping in Siloam Springs State Park for Nancy’s ‘Smith Family Reunion’.
The Brake and ABS warning lights came on in my RAM. Dealer read the codes and determined that the ABS sensor inside a front wheel bearing needed to be replaced. Here is an image of the new wheel bearing with the ABS sensor wire connected to it.
Click image to play video My friend David and I spent the afternoon at the range. We had a good time. Here I am holding an AK-47 with a Sure-Fire light on the end. The light really helped see the target all the way down range. Fun-fun.
We wanted to tour the Heartland RVs factory in the Elkhart, IN area this weekend and our friends Jeff and Brenda were already planning to camp near there and visit the factory. So we rained on their parade and joined them. We camped at the South Bend (Granger, IN) KOA. We toured the Heartland RVs…
Hi all, I have updated my recipes main page. Still working on it – experimenting with cascading style sheets (CSS). Once I have it figured out, I’ll use the theme throughout the recipe web. I’ll be reorganizing the recipes and adding new once. Please check the main recipes page out and consider submitting a recipe…
Seven of us plus 2 to exchange Christmas gifts today. My kids, Tony, Mike and Lindsay and Nancy’s kids Lisa and Mike. Lindsay’s friend Christina and Lisa’s boyfriend Mike were here as well.