Moblog = Mobile Blog. Done that…

You know how when you’re online searching the Internet for something and you get headed down alternate trails? We it happened to me today as usual. Can’t even remember what I was looking for, but I came across a site called

They host Mobile Web Logs that they call Moblogs. It seems that these mobile blogs are picture blogs. Most of them are created and added to, using wireless phones with built-in cameras. You can actually make a post to your Moblog by taking a picture with your camera phone and emailing that picture to your Moblog. The subject line of your email becomes the subject line for the Moblog post, the text body of your email becomes the text body of your Moblog post and the picture (or video) appears in the post as well.

Pretty cool I thought. So I registered (free) and setup my Moblog (also free). I also linked the last uploaded image of the Moblog to my Internet home page. Check it out by clicking the title of this post.


Jim’s MoBlog

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